A former ranger with US National Park Service, Kim has been a freelance writer/author for more than 40 years. His books have received starred reviews in Kirkus, Publishers Weekly and Booklist, and been featured on many podcasts, and on National Public Radio’s “Living on Earth.” While he often garnishes his fiction with humor, Kim is an unabashed activist author who writes to illuminate more than to entertain. In short, he doesn’t write to say something; he writes because he has something to say.
About Kim

“Kim Heacox is the bard of Alaska, drawing stories from the power and music of the land itself. His new book, On Heaven’s Hill, is truly a novel to match Alaska’s mountains. The braided plot runs fast. The characters are broken and shining, as if eroded to their cores. The language calls out with rain-carved clarity. And the truth that the novel tells is both eternal and seismic: a girl, a wounded vet, and a hungry wolf all come to know that in our struggle to heal the reeling world, we may find a chance, maybe a last chance, to heal ourselves.” Kathleen Dean Moore